Good friends of ours Fortis have blazed the trails when it comes to pushing the boundaries with collaborations and materials, having already worked with high end UK based outdoor brand Snugpak to forge the path and bring higher quality, better technical clothing into the angling market, a Realtree range is a fun addition to the growing Fortis range.
Somewhat forgotten, the 90's and early 2000's fashion for Realtree, undoubtedly popularised by Terry and co has been given a 2022 shake up and re-worked into a full new range - you know the shots... The Causeway one, Sonning, the Tol Pits mirrors... Lovely little video below of Tel talking memories of the 90's and first finding some Realtree bits in his dad's shooting collection - top stuff and good old fashioned fun!
A hood, tee, long sleeve, hats and even the high grade 'Marine' waterproofs got the 90's make over.
Available at selected retailers now - https://fortiseyewear.co.uk/product-category/realtree/