Gareth Fareham
THE CHAIN - Tommy De Cleen

THE CHAIN - Tommy De Cleen

January 50's don't come around too often, especially not rare ones that look like this one. A lovely short tale from Tommy about the capture of a lifetime, and enough to spur anyone into dusting the rods off to chance your arm at some winter gold. Kettle on, kick back, and enjoy..

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Gareth Fareham
ISSUE 1 ARCHIVES - Dave Ellyatt - First Time for Everything

ISSUE 1 ARCHIVES - Dave Ellyatt - First Time for Everything

Main man at ESP and all round good guy Dave Ellyatt gives us an enigmatic account of his set of 'first times'. This was the opening piece to our very first print edition, following on from Dave's chapter in the ed's 'The Forgotten Chapters' which was also the opening chapter.. kettle on, sit back and enjoy.

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Gareth Fareham
METALIMNION - Marcel Panne

METALIMNION - Marcel Panne

German based artist and photographer Marcel Panne talks about his love of free-diving and photographing carp and other species in the magical and mysterious underwater worlds of the lakes surroundings hometown of Cologne. Take a deep breath and enjoy.. 'it’s very difficult to describe it, most fish have no real personal traits, but the carp has definitely got it, some times more, sometimes less and sometimes I’m overwhelmed by it, it’s like meeting an old soul...'

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Gareth Fareham
ISSUE 1 ARCHIVES - Scott Karabowicz - Scratching the Surface Pt3

ISSUE 1 ARCHIVES - Scott Karabowicz - Scratching the Surface Pt3

Sit back to enjoy the concluding part of Scotty's chess games with the tricky White Swan residents. Strange occurrences with hooking dead rabbits, a string of incredible mirrors and three foot long linears abound. Fire up the kettle, and enjoy

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